Account settings

After joining the Moeco platform, it can be useful to check your account settings and adjust them to your needs. To access the account settings, click > Auth server. By default, the Account settings window opens.

Adding login

By default, you use an email to log into the Moeco platform. However, you can simplify the process by setting up your custom login that can be further used for authorization. To do that:

  1. Into the Login field, enter the login that you want to use.

  2. At the bottom of the page, click Save to apply changes.

To change your login, repeat the actions described above.

Changing user picture

  1. Click Add userpic.

  2. In the window that opens, navigate to the image you want to use and double-click it. The image uploads to the profile.

  3. Click Save to apply changes.

Changing user name

By default, your email is shown instead of a name. You can change the name to make it easier for your colleagues to identify you. For example, you can list your name, surname, division, and office in this field. To change your profile name:

  1. In the Name field, delete current text, if there is any.

  2. Type in the text you want to be displayed as your name.

  3. Click Save to apply changes.

Changing password

  1. Click Change password.

  2. Enter your current password.

  3. Enter your new password.

  4. Confirm your new password.

  5. Click Save.

Adding phone number

By default, when creating an account, you don’t have to add your phone number to it. However, it is mandatory if you want to receive notifications about triggered monitoring events to it. To add a phone number to your account:

  1. Click Change phone.

  2. Enter your phone number in an international format.

  3. Click Confirm phone. You’ll receive an SMS with a confirmation code.

  4. Enter the verification code.

  5. Click Verify code.

Deleting phone number

  1. Click Reset phone.

  2. Enter your password.

  3. Click Confirm.

Enabling multi-factor authentication

The multi-factor authentication is an authentication method that requires the user to provide two or more authentication factors to get access to a resource (website, application, etc.). It serves as an additional level of security for your sensitive data and account in general. So, even if your credentials to the Moeco platform are stolen, it will be harder for the third parties to hack your account.

Moeco uses one-time passwords as a second authentication factor. These passwords can be generated by any MFA applications, for example, Google Authenticator, Duo Mobile, etc. So, before enabling the multi-factor authentication, find and install one of the applications mentioned above. After that, do the following:

  1. Click Enable MFA.

  2. Enter your password.

  3. Click Verify password.

  4. Scan a QR code with your phone authentication app.

  5. Enter a 6-digit code into the text field.

  6. Click Verify code.

Disabling multi-factor authentication

  1. Click Disable MFA.

  2. Enter your password and code from your phone authentication app.

  3. Click Verify.